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Term 5 & 6 Newsletter – Class 1

Under the Sea

Dear Class 1 Parents,

We hope you all had a lovely Easter holiday and are ready for all the exciting new learning the children will completing in the terms ahead.

Our theme for Terms 5 and 6 is ‘Under the Sea; Over the Waves’. These will be based around the seaside and Pirate themed activities. We will be going on a trip to the seaside. The children will visit the Blue Reef Aquarium in Hastings which links to out geography and science learning.

As our theme title suggests this term, we will be focusing our learning on things we find under the sea as well as the seaside itself. This theme will have a focus on geography and history learning.


Children will continue to have opportunities to develop their vocabulary through new and exciting texts, as well as a variety of speaking and listening activities. We will focus on a number of different fiction, non-fiction and poetry texts to base our literacy work on, including:

The Rainbow Fish

Seaside Poems

Non-fiction Sharks

A Fish that Could Wish

Commotion in the Ocean

Sharing Shell

Pirate Pete

...as well as many others!

The writing focus for Reception is to continue to use and apply their phonics to write simple sentences independently. They will also be encouraged to accurately spell some the tricky words they have been learning to read. . In phonics, Reception will be introduced to reading and spelling CCVC and CVCC words e.g. chunk, went, help. We will be learning to read and write our tricky words and there will be a strong emphasis on blending. Year 1’s writing focus will be to develop their independence when writing. They will also be encouraged to think about the structure of their writing and ways to make it more interesting by editing their work. The Year 1 children will be focusing on spelling compound words such as; playground, farmyard and contracted words such as; he’ll, she’ll.


Through the use of practical maths sessions, in which we will promote the use of a wide range of concrete apparatus, the children will be covering the following objectives:

Reception Objectives


To compare numbers using the language of greater than and less than.

To say which number is one more or one less than a given number (to 10).

To recall number bonds for numbers 5 and 10.

To solve problems, including doubling, halving and sharing.

To add multiples of the same number.

Number Patterns

 To compare quantities and objects and to solve problems.

To recognise, create and describe patterns.

To explore characteristics of everyday objects and shapes and use mathematical language to describe them.

To recognise that a shape can have other shapes within it.

Year 1 Objectives

Number - Place Value

To describe the place value of numbers to 100.

To compare and order numbers.

Number – Multiplication and Division

To count in 2s, 5s and 10s

To recognise and make equal groups

To share equally and make arrays

To add equal groups and make doubles

To find halves and quarters of shapes and numbers.

Shape, Space and Measure - Time

To recognise and use language relating to dates

To describe position.

To sequence events in chronological order

To recognise and name common 3D shapes

To tell the time to the hour

To measure and begin to record time

To recognise and know the value of different denominations of coins and notes

To solve problems involving money


We will be learning how to program robots e.g. inputting a set of instructions into the Beebot to create actions for the robot to move.


We will be learning, which places are special and why? Places that are special to them and places that special to Christians and Muslims. In term 6 we will explore the question ‘which stories are special and why?’



We would like to thank you for the support you have shown with regard to your child’s reading. We do appreciate how busy life can be and know that it can sometimes be a struggle to fit everything in. In school, we will be continuing to read daily with the children. On some days this will be 1:1, on other day’s group or choral reading. The children also have the opportunity to have a daily story time.

Please continue to support your child with reading at home. The children will have a new phonic book sent home each Friday. This book maybe a Monster Phonic book or a Dandelion book. These are the books your child reads to you. Please remember that the idea of this is that the books should be read and re-read. Whilst reading the same book over again can be ‘challenging’ for us as parents, this repetition is very important for early readers as it helps them to gain confidence; familiarity; build their vocabularies; develop an understanding of rhythm and pattern; as well as for developing comprehension skills. The larger ‘real book’ changed on a Wednesday is the book you can share together. 

The reading record is for you to use at home but please ensure that it is kept in your child’s book bag. In the reading record please write one comment for each day that you read. When 6 pages of the white book have been completed then a reading certificate will be given to your child during our weekly Friday assembly. We will also be checking reading records for these certificates on Wednesday to avoid disappointment with delayed certificates please be sure that your child’s reading record is in school. 


We will be learning about the different features of animals. We will also be learning materials and distinguishing between an object and the material. We will plan and observe experiments involving selecting the materials for a purpose.  


We will explore the history of the seaside by looking at how clothing for the beach has changed and the types of seaside entertainment people used to enjoy. The children will compare seaside now with how it looked in Victorian times. We will answer the question ‘Is a trip to the seaside the same now as it was in the past?’


The children will explore the media of clay to create a sculpture. The children will make their own clay fish tile. They will explore different ways to decorate the clay e.g. Using shells to make marks in the clay for scales.

Design & Technology

In term 6 the children will be learning textiles to make their own finger puppet. The children will design, make and evaluate their finger puppet.


We will be learning about the oceans of the world – their names and where they are located. The children will talk about the seven continents of the world and what those areas are like. We will also be finding out about different sea creatures and where they live in the world.


The year 1 children will have their homework books sent home each week with an English and maths task for the children to complete.

The reception children will have the next set of letters sent home to learn with words to learn that link to their phonics.


A little reminder for when we all return to school; now that the weather is warming up please ensure that on days when it is likely to be hot and sunny you put sun cream on your child before they come to school. Also remember to send them to school with a named hat, jumper and water bottle.

Finally, thank you for all support, if you ever have any queries or questions please do not hesitate to email us:

sbooth@blackboys.e-sussex.sch.uk or jnobes@blackboys.e-sussex.sch.uk

Very Best Wishes, Mrs Booth, Mrs Nobes and the Class 1 Team

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Term 5 & 6 Newsletter – Class 4

Welcome back to our final 2 terms of the year! I hope everyone had a great and restful Easter break. Terms 5 and 6 bring some exciting opportunities and I’m looking forward to a great summer term.

Reminders – Please ensure all water bottles and jumpers are named to avoid missing items.

Miss Mayhew


History & Geography

Our theme for this term is Ancient Greece. We will be starting off with looking at the geography of modern Greece by finding out where it is in the world and what it is like as a country. We will then move onto looking at Ancient Greece and answering the question ‘What did the Ancient Greeks do for us?’

Whole Class Reading

This term we are reading Roald Dahl’s Matilda. We will use these sessions to give all children an opportunity to read aloud, answer questions and work on our key reading skills.


We are starting this term by looking at perimeter and area and will then move onto shape, including angles. We will also be covering time. After half term we will be looking at statistics, charts and graphs and position and direction. We will be having our final push on times tables in advance of the upcoming year 4 multiplication check in June.


This term we will be considering the questions, ‘Why do Hindus want to be good?’ and ‘Why do some people believe in God and some not?’.

Art & DT

In term 5 we will be working on art and looking at sculpture inspired by Greek pots. We will be designing and making our own clay Greek pots. In term 6, we will be moving on to DT and looking at electrical systems, using switches lights and buzzers.


Our music sessions across term 4 will be looking at listening, appreciating and responding to music, specifically music to tell a story and creating our own graphic scores. After half term, we will begin focusing on our end of year production.


In computing in term 5, we will be looking at animation and blogging. After half term we will be looking at writing for different audiences using technology.


In the first half term we will be reading the Greek myth: The Odyssey, and using this to inspire our writing. In the second half term we will be reading ‘Who let the Gods out’ by Maz Evans. In addition to this, we will be having a weekly reading lesson where we focus on one of the main reading skills (vocabulary, retrieval, inference, prediction, explore, summarise). We will also be continuing to focus on handwriting and encouraging the children to produce work that they are proud of.


During these terms we will be continuing to use Superhero Spellings. This approach has 3 stages: learn, build and show. The children will be given opportunities to practice the words for the rule throughout the week, before completing 10 dictation sentences on Fridays. These will be stuck in the back of homework books for the children to refer back to if needed. The children will be split into year groups during these spelling sessions.


Across term 5 and 6 we will be working on properties and changes of materials. This includes insulators, solutions, and reversible and irreversible changes.


In PSHE we will be following the Jigsaw scheme of work. In term 5 we will be looking at ‘Relationships’ and moving onto ‘Changing me’. More information about this will be sent out nearer the time and if you have any questions about content, please do let me know.


This term we will be preparing for Sports day by working on athletics in term 5 and moving onto striking and fielding games in term 6. PE sessions will take place on Mondays and Tuesdays. Tuesday PE sessions will be led by Sports Cool. Full PE kit is expected and as it is the summer term, tracksuit bottoms are no longer needed.


Mrs Page will continue to teach French during term 5 and 6.


The children will be sent home with a homework menu for the term. Each week the children will select one task to complete. This is sent out on Wednesdays to be handed back in on a Monday.


Each week the children will be working on a different spelling rule and receive 10 spelling words. A list of these can be found stuck into homework books for the children to practise at home.

These will also be worked on in class and at the end of the week the children will complete dictation sentences including these 10 words.

Dictation sentences will be stuck into the back of homework books each week in order to see progress and any words/spelling rules that may need to be worked on further.

A list of our class ‘non-negotiable spelling words’ is also stuck into homework books for the children to work on independently at home if needed.


Reading is required every night which is to be shown in their reading records. Please bring completed reading records in for reading certificates.

Times tables

Don’t forget to keep practicing times tables at home whenever you can.

If you need your TT Rockstars or Purple Mash logins, just send me an email.

Key dates

Thursday 25th April – East Sussex book award author visit.

Monday 29th April – Uckfield Concert Brass assembly

Thursday 2nd May – Uckfield College PE session

Monday 6th May – Bank Holiday

Thursday 23rd May – Skateboarding session

Thursday 23rd May – Class Assembly

Friday 24th May – End of Term 5

Monday 3rd June – Start of Term 6

Monday 3rd June 2024 – Multiplication check to be completed within 3 weeks.

Wednesday 19th June – Sussex Cricket Schools Day

Thursday 20th June – Uckfield College PE session

Wednesday 26th June – Sports Day

Saturday 29th June – PTA summer fair

Wednesday 3rd July – Reserve Sports Day

Friday 12th July – Move up morning

Wednesday 17th July & Thursday 18th July – Whole school production

Friday 19th July – Last day of term 6 & cup assembly

Monday 22nd & Tuesday 23rd July – INSET days

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Term 5 & 6 Newsletter – Class 2

The Man on the Moon

Dear parents,

Welcome back from your Easter holidays, I hope you all managed to enjoy a break and some family time.  We have a great overriding theme, this term, of Man on the Moon, which lends itself well to Literacy, History, Music and Science!

If you have any questions, please contact me at hsullivan@blackboys.e-sussex.sch.uk

Best wishes

Mrs Sullivan

Year 1 Phonics Screening

All Year 1 children, and those Year 2 children who didn’t reach the pass mark in Year 1, across the country will be screened in June to assess their progress within phonics. It allows us to ensure we are identifying the children who need extra help with learning their phonics.  The format of the screening is 40 words to be read, 20 real words and 20 alien words.  The alien words use the phonemes that the children have been learning, so they test whether the child knows the phoneme and can blend them into a word, rather than their knowledge of words.  We will be practising these in school to prepare the children for this screening.  The Phonics Screening Check week begins on Monday 10th June.  You will be informed of your child’s score in the end of year report.


In English, we will be focusing on the theme of Man on the Moon and will start with a lovely text called, “Man on the Moon (A day in the life of Bob)” by Simon Bartram.  This is the first in a series of books and has a fun look at a man who works on the Moon entertaining tourists!  We will be writing our own stories about a man on the moon.  Following this, we will be reading some space-themed poems and writing our own poetry about space.  We will then be reading a book called “Footprints on the Moon” by Mark Haddon and writing newspaper reports about Neil Armstrong reaching the moon.


In History we will be learning about how space travel has changed over time, starting with the German V2 rocket, looking at the different animals that went into space, finding out what satellites are and finishing by learning about the International Space Station.  We will answer the question “How has space travel changed?”  After half term we will focus more on the concept of exploration, learning about Neil Armstrong and his journey to the moon, but also making comparisons between his journey and the journey made by Christopher Columbus.  We will answer the question “Who was the first man on the Moon?”


In Computing, we will be continuing to use Purple Mash as our main tool to learn about spreadsheets and pictograms.


We welcome SportsCool back to Blackboys for the summer term, and they will be teaching the children some exciting sports.  Mrs Hall will continue to teach PE on a Thursday morning and she will be preparing the children for Sports Day later in Term 6.  As we are now in the “summer” term, there is no need for tracksuit bottoms or leggings for PE, if your child is cold they may wear their school jumper over their t shirt and shorts.  Please check that they have suitable footwear for outdoor PE.


Our music, this term, links nicely with our space theme and the children will be learning about Gustav Holst and exploring the music of his Planet Suite.  There will be opportunities for listening to music, playing music and composing music.


Homework will continue in the same format as previously.  Please help your child to remember to hand their homework in on a Monday as this gives staff enough time to mark and stick in the next piece of homework before the books are handed back out on Wednesday.

Key Dates

Friday 17th May – Class 2 trip to Herstmonceux Science Centre

Thursday 23rd May – Scorcha Skate School Day

Monday 10th June – Start of Phonics Screening Check week

Wednesday 26th June – Sports Day

Wednesday 3rd July – Reserve Sports Day

Wednesday 17 and Thursday 18th July – Whole School Production

Friday 19th July – Last day of Term 6

Monday 22nd and Tuesday 23rd July – INSET Days


In Maths, this term, we will be working on learning to tell the time, so it would be a great time to get out those watches and help your children to recognise the hours and minutes on the watch.  Year 2 children need to be able to tell the time to the quarter of an hour, however, if they are working above the standard for their age, they are expected to know the time to the five minutes, e.g. 5 past, ten to etc.  Year 1 children need to know the time to o’clock and half past.  We will also be doing some work on statistics, understanding tally charts and pictograms, and finishing term 5 with some work on position and direction.  During the term, we will be revising many of the concepts previously learnt, eg addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and fractions through our daily Early Bird Maths.


In science this term we will be learning about materials and how objects are different from the materials they are made from.  We will be conducting several investigations about the properties of different materials, for example finding out the best material to use for the soles of our shoes.  We have a school trip planned to Herstmonceux Science Centre to enrich this learning.


We will be doing DT in term 6, learning about levers and sliders to help us to design and make a moving picture of a space rocket.


In Art we will be focusing on textiles, learning about Karen Rose who is a textile artist who creates artwork on the theme of space. We will be building on the sewing skills we learnt in Term 4 to create some lovely embroidered collages.


In term 5 we will be returning to the religion of Judaism and how Jewish people live, focusing on the festival of Chanukah.

In term 6 we will be focusing on the Christian concept of Gospel, trying to answer the question: What is the good news that Jesus brings?


In terms 5 and 6 we will be learning about relationships and how we are changing as we grow older.  In relationships, we will be talking to the children about families, resolving conflict with friends and how to trust people.  In the Changing Me unit, the children will be learning about how they have changed since they were babies and will be learning the correct names for boys’ and girls’ body parts.  Through both units they will be exploring physical contact with others and what is acceptable.

Reading Books

We will be continuing to send home the Monster Phonics and Dandelion Readers each week.  Some children will be bringing extra books home in preparation for the Phonics Screening and to help your child secure their knowledge of all the graphemes they have learnt so far in Phonics.

Please remind your children to change their other books once they have finished reading them.  These can be changed as often as needed but you are also welcome to read books that you have at home.  Please remember to keep filling in the reading records to help your child achieve certificates in our Gold Book Assemblies on a Friday.

Forest School

It is Class 2’s turn for Forest School this term and you should have received a copy of the groupings before Easter.  Please ensure your child brings in suitable clothing and footwear for Forest School sessions, including a coat in case of poor weather.  We currently have a few volunteers to help with Forest School on a Thursday afternoon, but there are some weeks where Mrs Godfrey hasn’t got anyone to support her.  She needs two parents each week to enable her to take the children to the woods, which are a wonderful resource for the skills the children will be learning.  Please see the school office if you are able to volunteer to help.

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Term 5 & 6 Newsletter – Class 5

Welcome to the summer term, one of the busiest and most exciting of the entire school year! There is lots to look forward to this term including school trips, the end of year play and sports day. The Year 6s will also be completing their SATs tests this term. With so much to look forward to, I’m sure we will have a great end to the school year together.

Mr Boorman

Geography & History

This term we will study ‘Ancient Greece’. We will be starting off by looking at the geography of Greece, including its climate and topography, as this has had a huge impact on the way the Greek civilization developed, as well as on Greek myths and stories. Then, we will be focussing more on history, looking at the states of Athens and Sparta, and some of the famous battles that took place during the Ancient Greek period. We will answer the question, ‘What did the Ancient Greeks do for us?’


This term, we will be finishing our work on time and timetables. The Year 6s then have some specific objectives to cover that don’t appear in the Year 5 curriculum, such as ratio and algebra. Both year groups will also be learning about statistics, angles, 2D and 3D shapes, and the transformation of shapes on a grid.


In art we will be looking at the concept of sculpture, with a focus on both classical and modern sculpture.


After half term, we will be using electrical components to make a working alarm for a museum display.


In term 5, we will be looking at the theme of ‘Relationships’. After half term, we will look at RSE (Relationships and sex education). These lessons are taught using the Jigsaw scheme of work. For more information, please speak to Miss Mayhew, our PSHE subject leader.


We will start by looking at creating animations and how to write a blog.


Homework will be set each week on a Wednesday. A homework menu will be given out which will feature mainly reading and writing tasks. Maths tasks will also be set.

During the three weeks of SATs practice, Year 6 children are likely to receive daily homework, such as having a second go at a practice paper or completing some pages from their work books.

Don’t forget, you can do some extra work at home on Times Table Rock Stars, and make sure you keep reading – Reading records have been given out, and we are keen for children to earn some certificates! Please let me know if your child would like to have a new one at home.


We have started our work this term by looking at the classic tale of The Odyssey, one of the great ancient stories. By the end of the summer term, we hope children will have written their own (slightly shorter) version of the Odyssey. We will also be developing our speaking and listening skills as part of the summer school play.


Our new scheme, Superhero Spelling, will continue this term. The lists for each week will be uploaded on to the class web page. These lists cover the spelling patterns and rules that are statutory for each year group, and also cover words from the statutory word lists. Dictation sessions will continue on a Friday.


In term 5 we will be learning more about the properties of materials including reversible and irreversible changes.


This term, we will be considering the questions, ‘Why do Hindus want to be good?’ and ‘Why do some people believe in God and some people not?’


In PE this term, we will be developing our athletics skills on Fridays, while taking part in PE with Sports Cool on Tuesdays. After half term, the Year 6s will be doing swimming at Cross in Hand School, while the Year 5s stay at school with Miss Mayhew to learn about rounders.


Before half term, we will be learning about vocabulary to do with shopping. After half term, we will look at words to do with travel. The Year 6s will of course be preparing their French skills ready for the French trip.


In the build up to SATs, the Year 5 and 6 children in Class 5 will be taught separately during the mornings in order to ensure the Year 6s can prepare fully for their tests. The Year 5 children will be taught by Mrs Riley from Monday 23rd April until Thursday 16th May. I will teach the Year 6s providing plenty of opportunities to review the learning throughout KS2, as well as completing practice papers. The class will be taught altogether as normal in the afternoons.

Reminders & Key Dates

Term 5

Monday: Homework handed in.

Tuesday: PE with Sports Cool.

Wednesday: Homework handed out.

Friday: Spelling dictation sentences. PE with Mr Boorman/Mrs Hall

Term 6

Monday: Homework handed in. Year 6 Swimming, Year 5 PE with Miss Mayhew

Tuesday: PE with Sports Cool.

Wednesday: Homework handed out.

Friday: Spelling dictation sentences.

Key Dates

Thursday 25th April – KS2 author visit.

Monday 13th May – KS2 SATs week

Wednesday 22nd May – Year 6 French trip

Thursday 23rd May – Whole school skateboarding workshops

Wednesday 12th June – Year 6 Safety in Action morning

Wednesday 26th June – Sports Day

Thursday 27th June – Year 6 Leavers Service, Crowborough

Wednesday 3rd July – Reserve Sports Day

Friday 12th July – Whole school moving up morning

Monday 15th July – Year 6 Leavers treat

Wednesday 17th July – Whole school performance (afternoon and evening)

Thursday 18th July – Whole school performance (evening)

Friday 19th July – Cup assembly. Last day of term.

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Term 5 & 6 Newsletter – Class 3

Dear all,

I hope you all had a restful Easter break and enjoyed time spent with family and friends. Welcome back to school for our final two terms! We have got an exciting couple of terms ahead of us and I am delighted to be back with the children.


In terms 5 and 6 we will be studying the book ‘The Abominables’ by Eva Ibbotson. This is quite the lengthy book hence our focus on it for both terms. The book fits in nicely with our theme of Mountains and offers lots of wonderful opportunities for creative writing including another tackle at poetry. We will also be learning how to write an effective persuasive leaflet to encourage people to protect the yeti’s in the story as well as having a go at writing our own play scripts!


In term 5, we will be continuing our work on forces and magnets. This starts off with our exciting friction experiment, which the children planned before the Easter holidays. We will the move our focus onto magnets, where we will be identifying what a magnet actually is and investigate different magnetic and non-magnetic materials. Following this, class 3 will be looking at different metals how magnets attract and repel.

In term 6, our topic is plants. We will spend time dissecting plants in order to identify and describe different parts of plants. Class 3 will also learn about the life cycle of a plant, how a plant grows and stem and water transportation.

Art/Design & Technology

In term 5, we will be starting off by exploring pottery and clay handling. Children will get the opportunity to practice different clay handling techniques as well as design their own clay tile. Following this, children will create their own torn tissue mountain scene based on pictures of different mountains across the world. In term 6, Children will be constructing their own yeti proof shelters.

Whole Class Reading

In term 5 we will be working with fractions, making sure we can recognise and find a half, quarter and third as well as working with equivalent fractions and adding and subtracting fractions. We will then be moving our learning onto time, with a focus on how we measure time using months, years, days, hours, minutes and seconds. We will also focus on how to read a 24-hour clock and investigate how to solve problems using time.  Parents can help massively here, by drawing their child’s attention to clocks around the house and helping them tell the time as often as possible please.

In term 6, we will be learning about properties of shapes, including how to recognise and describe both 2-D and 3-D shapes as well as comparing angles. We will then move onto mass and capacity, where we will recap our year 2 knowledge on how we compare mass and volume. This will then be followed by investigating how we measure mass and capacity and how we can add and subtract. This will be a very practical maths topic where children will take part in lots of fun and engaging activities to support their understanding!


Our piece of focus music for term 5 will be ‘In the Hall of the Mountain King’. Children will get the opportunity to listen and appreciate the piece of music, identify the musical instruments and explore what the piece of music is describing. Class 3 will also have a music synaesthesia session where they will be using their art skills to interpret different pieces of music that are about mountains.


In French, children will be learning how to say the name of different places including countries as well as focussing on the alphabet. Following this, children will use their knowledge to talk about where they live.


We will be continuing our work with our superhero spelling scheme. In the final term of superhero spellings, there is a focus on using apostrophes to show possession and suffixes (ful and less). The outline of the weekly spellings can be found stuck into your child’s homework book as well as on class 3’s page on the school website. Children are expected to practise their weekly spellings alongside their homework and will be tested on their spellings every Friday morning.


In term 5 we will be working with fractions, making sure we can recognise and find a half, quarter and third as well as working with equivalent fractions and adding and subtracting fractions. We will then be moving our learning onto time, with a focus on how we measure time using months, years, days, hours, minutes and seconds. We will also focus on how to read a 24-hour clock and investigate how to solve problems using time.  Parents can help massively here, by drawing their child’s attention to clocks around the house and helping them tell the time as often as possible please.

In term 6, we will be learning about properties of shapes, including how to recognise and describe both 2-D and 3-D shapes as well as comparing angles. We will then move onto mass and capacity, where we will recap our year 2 knowledge on how we compare mass and volume. This will then be followed by investigating how we measure mass and capacity and how we can add and subtract. This will be a very practical maths topic where children will take part in lots of fun and engaging activities to support their understanding!


Our first enquiry question in our summer term is ‘What kind of world would Jesus want?’ We will be thinking about how Jesus teaches others how to live and does Jesus show love and forgiveness to all, by using examples from the Bible and modern day experiences from our surrounding environment. We will then move onto thinking about ‘How and why do people try to make the world a better place?’ by thinking about different influential people, religions and charities who help to nurture our world.

Geography & History

We kick off our summer term study of mountains by locating different mountains and mountain ranges across the world. We will then be learning about different mountain features and how mountains are formed. Following this, we will be looking at the incredible true story of Edmund Hillary’s and Tenzing Norgay’s Everest expedition. We will put ourselves the explorers’ shoes and investigate their journey. Class 3 will finish off the topic focusing on map reading and map drawing.


Our summer term focus is all about learning and understanding the changes in our body as we begin to get older, as well as relationships.


In term 5, we will be working on our Microsoft programming skills by designing our own PowerPoint presentations. We will focus on how to import images, slide transitions and formatting text. In term 6, children will have a go at programming using scratch as well as learning about how to be safe online and using online resources safely.


In the summer term, children will be taking part in net and ball games, athletics and striking and fielding games


PE kits

Our PE lessons are on Tuesday and Thursdays, so please make sure children have their full kits.  Now we are in the summer term, the children will need to wear shorts.

Reading Records

Your children are encouraged to be independent with choosing a reading book to read at home and changing their book when finished. We expect children to read every night, even if it is only for a short while. Please continue to record all reading in their Reading Records. (Small comments such as ‘Read well’ or ‘Confused with word…’ would be useful.)

The Reading Records will be stamped once a page is completed. Children will receive a certificate in assembly when they fill up their Reading Record. We will be checking children’s Reading Records once a week, so please do make sure it is in their schoolbags on Tuesday Mornings.

The highest number of reading records we have had on a Tuesday is 11 out of a possible 21, we would love to have a full set. Whilst reading with your child, it would be beneficial to ask them some questions about the text or to find a key word they have read. This supports their reading comprehension skills which supports their whole class reading sessions.


Homework is to be completed once a week and children will be able to choose a piece of homework from a Homework menu.  The orange Homework books will be handed out to children to take home on a Wednesday afternoon and will be expected back in school on a Monday morning. Please make sure you ask your child about their homework for the week and are working with them to complete it.

TT Rockstars

As a school we are now celebrating children’s times table achievements in gold book assembly.  TT rockstar logins are stuck in the front of your child’s homework book. The times tables class 3 are expected to be confident with are their 3, 4 and 8 times tables by the end of the year. Mr Boorman is checking children’s progress weekly so it would great to see class 3 earning certificates in gold book assembly to display all their hard work on their times tables this year!


Please make sure children’s names are on their uniform so that we know exactly who owns what! In Class 3, unless your child is wearing a summer dress, children are expected to wear ties with their uniform. Please make sure your child has a tie and that it is named.

Water bottles

Please make sure your child’s water bottle is clearly named and that they bring them home with them every day.  They have plenty of opportunities to drink during the day and are also encouraged to use the school water fountain at break and lunchtime.  Children are also encouraged to use the toilet at break and lunchtime, and may naturally use the toilet during class time if genuinely desperate.

Please do come up and chat at the end of the day or email me if you have any questions J

Many thanks,

Miss Rietdyk


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