Term 5 & 6 Newsletter – Class 1

Under the Sea

Dear Class 1 Parents,

We hope you all had a lovely Easter holiday and are ready for all the exciting new learning the children will completing in the terms ahead.

Our theme for Terms 5 and 6 is ‘Under the Sea; Over the Waves’. These will be based around the seaside and Pirate themed activities. We will be going on a trip to the seaside. The children will visit the Blue Reef Aquarium in Hastings which links to out geography and science learning.

As our theme title suggests this term, we will be focusing our learning on things we find under the sea as well as the seaside itself. This theme will have a focus on geography and history learning.


Children will continue to have opportunities to develop their vocabulary through new and exciting texts, as well as a variety of speaking and listening activities. We will focus on a number of different fiction, non-fiction and poetry texts to base our literacy work on, including:

The Rainbow Fish

Seaside Poems

Non-fiction Sharks

A Fish that Could Wish

Commotion in the Ocean

Sharing Shell

Pirate Pete

...as well as many others!

The writing focus for Reception is to continue to use and apply their phonics to write simple sentences independently. They will also be encouraged to accurately spell some the tricky words they have been learning to read. . In phonics, Reception will be introduced to reading and spelling CCVC and CVCC words e.g. chunk, went, help. We will be learning to read and write our tricky words and there will be a strong emphasis on blending. Year 1’s writing focus will be to develop their independence when writing. They will also be encouraged to think about the structure of their writing and ways to make it more interesting by editing their work. The Year 1 children will be focusing on spelling compound words such as; playground, farmyard and contracted words such as; he’ll, she’ll.


Through the use of practical maths sessions, in which we will promote the use of a wide range of concrete apparatus, the children will be covering the following objectives:

Reception Objectives


To compare numbers using the language of greater than and less than.

To say which number is one more or one less than a given number (to 10).

To recall number bonds for numbers 5 and 10.

To solve problems, including doubling, halving and sharing.

To add multiples of the same number.

Number Patterns

 To compare quantities and objects and to solve problems.

To recognise, create and describe patterns.

To explore characteristics of everyday objects and shapes and use mathematical language to describe them.

To recognise that a shape can have other shapes within it.

Year 1 Objectives

Number - Place Value

To describe the place value of numbers to 100.

To compare and order numbers.

Number – Multiplication and Division

To count in 2s, 5s and 10s

To recognise and make equal groups

To share equally and make arrays

To add equal groups and make doubles

To find halves and quarters of shapes and numbers.

Shape, Space and Measure - Time

To recognise and use language relating to dates

To describe position.

To sequence events in chronological order

To recognise and name common 3D shapes

To tell the time to the hour

To measure and begin to record time

To recognise and know the value of different denominations of coins and notes

To solve problems involving money


We will be learning how to program robots e.g. inputting a set of instructions into the Beebot to create actions for the robot to move.


We will be learning, which places are special and why? Places that are special to them and places that special to Christians and Muslims. In term 6 we will explore the question ‘which stories are special and why?’



We would like to thank you for the support you have shown with regard to your child’s reading. We do appreciate how busy life can be and know that it can sometimes be a struggle to fit everything in. In school, we will be continuing to read daily with the children. On some days this will be 1:1, on other day’s group or choral reading. The children also have the opportunity to have a daily story time.

Please continue to support your child with reading at home. The children will have a new phonic book sent home each Friday. This book maybe a Monster Phonic book or a Dandelion book. These are the books your child reads to you. Please remember that the idea of this is that the books should be read and re-read. Whilst reading the same book over again can be ‘challenging’ for us as parents, this repetition is very important for early readers as it helps them to gain confidence; familiarity; build their vocabularies; develop an understanding of rhythm and pattern; as well as for developing comprehension skills. The larger ‘real book’ changed on a Wednesday is the book you can share together. 

The reading record is for you to use at home but please ensure that it is kept in your child’s book bag. In the reading record please write one comment for each day that you read. When 6 pages of the white book have been completed then a reading certificate will be given to your child during our weekly Friday assembly. We will also be checking reading records for these certificates on Wednesday to avoid disappointment with delayed certificates please be sure that your child’s reading record is in school. 


We will be learning about the different features of animals. We will also be learning materials and distinguishing between an object and the material. We will plan and observe experiments involving selecting the materials for a purpose.  


We will explore the history of the seaside by looking at how clothing for the beach has changed and the types of seaside entertainment people used to enjoy. The children will compare seaside now with how it looked in Victorian times. We will answer the question ‘Is a trip to the seaside the same now as it was in the past?’


The children will explore the media of clay to create a sculpture. The children will make their own clay fish tile. They will explore different ways to decorate the clay e.g. Using shells to make marks in the clay for scales.

Design & Technology

In term 6 the children will be learning textiles to make their own finger puppet. The children will design, make and evaluate their finger puppet.


We will be learning about the oceans of the world – their names and where they are located. The children will talk about the seven continents of the world and what those areas are like. We will also be finding out about different sea creatures and where they live in the world.


The year 1 children will have their homework books sent home each week with an English and maths task for the children to complete.

The reception children will have the next set of letters sent home to learn with words to learn that link to their phonics.


A little reminder for when we all return to school; now that the weather is warming up please ensure that on days when it is likely to be hot and sunny you put sun cream on your child before they come to school. Also remember to send them to school with a named hat, jumper and water bottle.

Finally, thank you for all support, if you ever have any queries or questions please do not hesitate to email us:

sbooth@blackboys.e-sussex.sch.uk or jnobes@blackboys.e-sussex.sch.uk

Very Best Wishes, Mrs Booth, Mrs Nobes and the Class 1 Team