Welcome back to our final 2 terms of the year! I hope everyone had a great and restful Easter break. Terms 5 and 6 bring some exciting opportunities and I’m looking forward to a great summer term.
Reminders – Please ensure all water bottles and jumpers are named to avoid missing items.
Miss Mayhew
History & Geography
Our theme for this term is Ancient Greece. We will be starting off with looking at the geography of modern Greece by finding out where it is in the world and what it is like as a country. We will then move onto looking at Ancient Greece and answering the question ‘What did the Ancient Greeks do for us?’
Whole Class Reading
This term we are reading Roald Dahl’s Matilda. We will use these sessions to give all children an opportunity to read aloud, answer questions and work on our key reading skills.
We are starting this term by looking at perimeter and area and will then move onto shape, including angles. We will also be covering time. After half term we will be looking at statistics, charts and graphs and position and direction. We will be having our final push on times tables in advance of the upcoming year 4 multiplication check in June.
This term we will be considering the questions, ‘Why do Hindus want to be good?’ and ‘Why do some people believe in God and some not?’.
Art & DT
In term 5 we will be working on art and looking at sculpture inspired by Greek pots. We will be designing and making our own clay Greek pots. In term 6, we will be moving on to DT and looking at electrical systems, using switches lights and buzzers.
Our music sessions across term 4 will be looking at listening, appreciating and responding to music, specifically music to tell a story and creating our own graphic scores. After half term, we will begin focusing on our end of year production.
In computing in term 5, we will be looking at animation and blogging. After half term we will be looking at writing for different audiences using technology.
In the first half term we will be reading the Greek myth: The Odyssey, and using this to inspire our writing. In the second half term we will be reading ‘Who let the Gods out’ by Maz Evans. In addition to this, we will be having a weekly reading lesson where we focus on one of the main reading skills (vocabulary, retrieval, inference, prediction, explore, summarise). We will also be continuing to focus on handwriting and encouraging the children to produce work that they are proud of.
During these terms we will be continuing to use Superhero Spellings. This approach has 3 stages: learn, build and show. The children will be given opportunities to practice the words for the rule throughout the week, before completing 10 dictation sentences on Fridays. These will be stuck in the back of homework books for the children to refer back to if needed. The children will be split into year groups during these spelling sessions.
Across term 5 and 6 we will be working on properties and changes of materials. This includes insulators, solutions, and reversible and irreversible changes.
In PSHE we will be following the Jigsaw scheme of work. In term 5 we will be looking at ‘Relationships’ and moving onto ‘Changing me’. More information about this will be sent out nearer the time and if you have any questions about content, please do let me know.
This term we will be preparing for Sports day by working on athletics in term 5 and moving onto striking and fielding games in term 6. PE sessions will take place on Mondays and Tuesdays. Tuesday PE sessions will be led by Sports Cool. Full PE kit is expected and as it is the summer term, tracksuit bottoms are no longer needed.
Mrs Page will continue to teach French during term 5 and 6.
The children will be sent home with a homework menu for the term. Each week the children will select one task to complete. This is sent out on Wednesdays to be handed back in on a Monday.
Each week the children will be working on a different spelling rule and receive 10 spelling words. A list of these can be found stuck into homework books for the children to practise at home.
These will also be worked on in class and at the end of the week the children will complete dictation sentences including these 10 words.
Dictation sentences will be stuck into the back of homework books each week in order to see progress and any words/spelling rules that may need to be worked on further.
A list of our class ‘non-negotiable spelling words’ is also stuck into homework books for the children to work on independently at home if needed.
Reading is required every night which is to be shown in their reading records. Please bring completed reading records in for reading certificates.
Times tables
Don’t forget to keep practicing times tables at home whenever you can.
If you need your TT Rockstars or Purple Mash logins, just send me an email.
Key dates
Thursday 25th April – East Sussex book award author visit.
Monday 29th April – Uckfield Concert Brass assembly
Thursday 2nd May – Uckfield College PE session
Monday 6th May – Bank Holiday
Thursday 23rd May – Skateboarding session
Thursday 23rd May – Class Assembly
Friday 24th May – End of Term 5
Monday 3rd June – Start of Term 6
Monday 3rd June 2024 – Multiplication check to be completed within 3 weeks.
Wednesday 19th June – Sussex Cricket Schools Day
Thursday 20th June – Uckfield College PE session
Wednesday 26th June – Sports Day
Saturday 29th June – PTA summer fair
Wednesday 3rd July – Reserve Sports Day
Friday 12th July – Move up morning
Wednesday 17th July & Thursday 18th July – Whole school production
Friday 19th July – Last day of term 6 & cup assembly
Monday 22nd & Tuesday 23rd July – INSET days