Welcome to the summer term, one of the busiest and most exciting of the entire school year! There is lots to look forward to this term including school trips, the end of year play and sports day. The Year 6s will also be completing their SATs tests this term. With so much to look forward to, I’m sure we will have a great end to the school year together.
Mr Boorman
Geography & History
This term we will study ‘Ancient Greece’. We will be starting off by looking at the geography of Greece, including its climate and topography, as this has had a huge impact on the way the Greek civilization developed, as well as on Greek myths and stories. Then, we will be focussing more on history, looking at the states of Athens and Sparta, and some of the famous battles that took place during the Ancient Greek period. We will answer the question, ‘What did the Ancient Greeks do for us?’
This term, we will be finishing our work on time and timetables. The Year 6s then have some specific objectives to cover that don’t appear in the Year 5 curriculum, such as ratio and algebra. Both year groups will also be learning about statistics, angles, 2D and 3D shapes, and the transformation of shapes on a grid.
In art we will be looking at the concept of sculpture, with a focus on both classical and modern sculpture.
After half term, we will be using electrical components to make a working alarm for a museum display.
In term 5, we will be looking at the theme of ‘Relationships’. After half term, we will look at RSE (Relationships and sex education). These lessons are taught using the Jigsaw scheme of work. For more information, please speak to Miss Mayhew, our PSHE subject leader.
We will start by looking at creating animations and how to write a blog.
Homework will be set each week on a Wednesday. A homework menu will be given out which will feature mainly reading and writing tasks. Maths tasks will also be set.
During the three weeks of SATs practice, Year 6 children are likely to receive daily homework, such as having a second go at a practice paper or completing some pages from their work books.
Don’t forget, you can do some extra work at home on Times Table Rock Stars, and make sure you keep reading – Reading records have been given out, and we are keen for children to earn some certificates! Please let me know if your child would like to have a new one at home.
We have started our work this term by looking at the classic tale of The Odyssey, one of the great ancient stories. By the end of the summer term, we hope children will have written their own (slightly shorter) version of the Odyssey. We will also be developing our speaking and listening skills as part of the summer school play.
Our new scheme, Superhero Spelling, will continue this term. The lists for each week will be uploaded on to the class web page. These lists cover the spelling patterns and rules that are statutory for each year group, and also cover words from the statutory word lists. Dictation sessions will continue on a Friday.
In term 5 we will be learning more about the properties of materials including reversible and irreversible changes.
This term, we will be considering the questions, ‘Why do Hindus want to be good?’ and ‘Why do some people believe in God and some people not?’
In PE this term, we will be developing our athletics skills on Fridays, while taking part in PE with Sports Cool on Tuesdays. After half term, the Year 6s will be doing swimming at Cross in Hand School, while the Year 5s stay at school with Miss Mayhew to learn about rounders.
Before half term, we will be learning about vocabulary to do with shopping. After half term, we will look at words to do with travel. The Year 6s will of course be preparing their French skills ready for the French trip.
In the build up to SATs, the Year 5 and 6 children in Class 5 will be taught separately during the mornings in order to ensure the Year 6s can prepare fully for their tests. The Year 5 children will be taught by Mrs Riley from Monday 23rd April until Thursday 16th May. I will teach the Year 6s providing plenty of opportunities to review the learning throughout KS2, as well as completing practice papers. The class will be taught altogether as normal in the afternoons.
Reminders & Key Dates
Term 5
Monday: Homework handed in.
Tuesday: PE with Sports Cool.
Wednesday: Homework handed out.
Friday: Spelling dictation sentences. PE with Mr Boorman/Mrs Hall
Term 6
Monday: Homework handed in. Year 6 Swimming, Year 5 PE with Miss Mayhew
Tuesday: PE with Sports Cool.
Wednesday: Homework handed out.
Friday: Spelling dictation sentences.
Key Dates
Thursday 25th April – KS2 author visit.
Monday 13th May – KS2 SATs week
Wednesday 22nd May – Year 6 French trip
Thursday 23rd May – Whole school skateboarding workshops
Wednesday 12th June – Year 6 Safety in Action morning
Wednesday 26th June – Sports Day
Thursday 27th June – Year 6 Leavers Service, Crowborough
Wednesday 3rd July – Reserve Sports Day
Friday 12th July – Whole school moving up morning
Monday 15th July – Year 6 Leavers treat
Wednesday 17th July – Whole school performance (afternoon and evening)
Thursday 18th July – Whole school performance (evening)
Friday 19th July – Cup assembly. Last day of term.